Hailey has Mastered Heels

Enjoy the "click, click, click!" (Not the best resolution, I forgot our video camera in VA, so we had to capture the video with a digital camera, at least we got it!)

Princesses and Barbie Jeeps...

We have been in Colorado for almost a week and we are having a great time.  It is so great to spend time with family and friends.  Hailey played dress up the other morning complete with plastic high heels.  It was hilarious to watch her walk around in her heels.  She loved the "click click" sound that they made on the wood floor!  She was a pretty cute princess!

My Mom got a pink Barbie Jeep a few years ago for Tori to play with and now Hailey is also enjoying it.  It was so funny to watch her in it.  She loved talking on the phone and listening to "B-A-R-B Radio."  Madison also caught a little of the action thanks to the bumbo seat.

Hailey must be explaing to Madison how everything works!

Hailey can't quite reach the gas pedal to keep the jeep moving.  Uncle Brian devised a great solution; he found a broomstick worked great.  He could follow behind her and push in the gas, while Hailey sat back and enjoyed the ride!

A little of Barbie Jeep Mechanics 101

Hailey intently practicing her skills


Dinnertime can be pretty entertaining around here!!

Sister Love

I love watching the interaction between Hailey and Madison.  It is so amazing to see the love that they already have for each other.  Hailey loves to give "Mad Mad" kisses (that is what Hailey calls Madison.)  I caught a few of the kisses with the camera!

Madison is 5 Months Old

Madison is growing and changing so quickly.  She has started eating solid foods, so far we have tried bananas, apples, sweet potatoes and squash.  She loves them all!  She is also rolling over from front to back and back to front, and she is just beginning to sit.  Before long she will be walking!  She LOVES Hailey, it is so wonderful to see her little face light up when she sees Hailey.  I love to watch them together, I can only pray that their friendship grows as they get older!  Here are a few 5 month old pictures to enjoy!


5:00 pm has always been a tricky time for me, even when it was just Hailey.  It seems that Hailey and now Madison get a bit fussy, I am trying to make dinner, Hailey wants to "help" with everything that I am doing, or hang off my leg, Madison wants to be able to see me, and I would just like to have a few minutes of peace and quite to get everything done.  So, I have found that having both of the girls in the kitchen with me does the trick.  Hailey likes to be in her highchair because then she can see what I am doing (plus she can't hang on to me) and Madison is pretty content either sitting in her Bumbo on the counter or in the bouncer next to Hailey.  Tonight while I was making burritos for dinner I was getting ready to make guacamole and realized that this would be a great job for Hailey to "help" with.  She did great, watch and see...   

Instead of licking the bowl like you would do after making cookies, after making guacamole the best part is licking the pestle...