A Few New Pictures

I have not been keeping up very well with posting new pictures for all to see.  It just seems that when I have a free moment something needs to be done!!  (Imagine that.)  Enjoy these pictures for now and I will be putting up 11 month old pictures and Christmas pictures soon.  Also, I will update with any news about Madison.  At this point I am still pregnant and ready to meet her!! 

Being a "ham" for the camera.

Smiling cute!

Hanging out with Daddy

Hailey in a box, Madi in Mommy's tummy.

Just a few new pictures that we took of Hailey playing in a box.  It never fails that kids seem to like the boxes that the toys come in more than the the actual toy!  Although, I do have to say that Hailey loves the activity cube that came in this box.  Thanks Aunt Cin and Tori for the early Christmas present!  

Also, an update on Madison.  I am just over 34 weeks and my doctor's goal was for me to at least make it to 35 weeks, which is this Friday the 12th.  I am feeling great.  I can tell that Madison is growing and her kicks are getting stronger and more uncomfortable!  We are anxiously awaiting her arrival.  My parents will be out here over Christmas and New Year's and I would love for my Mom to be able to be here when she makes her entrance.  We will see if she cooperates.  


Do you see me in here?

Waving "hi," or maybe she is telling us "no more pictures please!"