Talking to the Toys

Hailey has started to interact more with her toys and likes to "talk" to them. I was able to get a few good videos of her talking and giggling. You may want to turn down your volume a little because some of her screams are a little ear piercing! Enjoy!

Lamb Chop is a puppet that Hailey has. I was trying my best to be a puppeteer and videotape her at the same time.

This is Hailey with her baby. I think that I have a little work to do with Hailey and her "baby handling" before the next one arrives! Yes, the video is ended abruptly because of a little spit-up. Gross I know, but part of our life. Although, I do have to say that the spitting-up is getting less and less each day, but not quite to the point that we can get rid of the bibs.

Playing with Lamb Chop again. This is a good giggle video! I have to say that the sound of a baby giggling has always been one of my favorite sounds.

1 comment:

Marianne said...

I love this video. I can hear you trying not to laugh in the background Meredith. We miss you all so much and seeing the changes in Hailey. Thanks for posting the videos.