
I don't mean to over load on the videos, there are a few that follow. I know that the Grandparents will enjoy them. All of these videos I took of Hailey just after she got up and ate. I think that it was about 7:30 and she was ready to start the day! I am getting just a glimpse of the busy body she is becoming.

Hailey likes to hide underneath the ottoman to the chair. It is so funny to watch her get under there and play. A lot of the time she gets her whole body under there, but this video she just has her head under it. I see many days of playing in forts ahead!

It never fails that as soon as I get the video camera out she stops babbling. I was able to catch a little of her babble this time!

Hailey really wants to crawl but isn't quite strong enough yet, although she is getting stronger each day and I am sure it won't be long. This is her "swimming on the wood floors".

She was on a "roll" and thought that some may like to take an adventure with her!

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