First of all, apologies for slacking on the blog updates. Secondly, I do have a pretty good excuse. In my "spare" time I have decided to do a little work from home, and have been doing some medical transcription for a local company here in Virginia. It has taken me a little bit to get into a routine and figure out exactly what I am doing. Slowly but surely, I think I am beginning to get the hang of it. Unfortunately, I have been working during nap time and in the evening, which use to be the time that I would update pictures on the blog. I will play catch up now, and hopefully be able to keep everyone up to date, with all of the happenings here in the Donahue household!
We got a lovely taste of a Colorado winter here on January 30th. We got about 8 inches of snow and it was beautiful. Hailey could hardly wait to go out and play. To tell you the truth, I am not sure who was more excited, Hailey, or Dave and I. Needless to say, we bundled up the girls, pulled out our winter gear, and headed out to play!

Trying on Daddy's gloves.


We are ready, what are you waiting for?!?!

Madi, trying to stay upright!

Hailey, having so much fun.

Snow angels!!

Mommy and her girls!

Mommy and Hailey