Hailey and Madison got a kitchen for Christmas. They have been spending quite a bit of time in there cooking away. My Mom ("Gra") made them chef hats and aprons. They arrived yesterday afternoon and the girls had a great time trying them out while they cooked. They were so adorable in them I just couldn't resist taking a few pictures. Thanks Gra!

Chefs need time for snacks too!

"Just a second let me get off this chair!"

Hard at work

All great chefs wash their own dishes
One very proud chef

It tastes delicious!

Watch out, it looks like this chef can cause a lot of trouble!

Hailey likes to put her chef hat on by herself, the only problem is that if the velcro isn't in the right place it is a little big! Needless to say when she does it herself it ends up completely over her head. She had a great time navigating the house this way!
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