It's Been A While...

I just happened to look at a friends website and saw that it has been a month since I have posted anything. I guess we have been busy!! We had family pictures taken a few weeks ago. Here are few. The girls are growing and learning new things each day. Madi is about ready to take off walking, she says "bye-bye" while waving, she dances when she hears music and if you are lucky you can get a great wide open, slobbery kiss from her!! Hailey is learning to recognize colors, she counts "one, two, one," we are working on "three" and she randomly will come up to us and just give us a hug and say "I love you!" We are so blessed. We hope that the holidays find each of you happy and healthy and that 2010 blesses you in many ways!!

1 comment:

Amy L. said...

Mere, that one of Madi in the chair is ADORABLE! You need to frame that.