I found this picture that was on Dave's phone and just thought that is was too cute to go unposted! It is because of Madison that I am finding things to keep me busy and from falling asleep at the moment. She will eat again about 10:30 and then sleep until 6:30 or 7:00. She actually officially slept through the night while we were in Colorado and it was exactly the same day TO THE YEAR that Hailey slept through the night! Many of you may wonder how I remember when Hailey slept through the night, and even though it was quite the milestone, I only remember the date because it was the first night that we slept in our new home. Needless to say having two babies that sleep through the night is fantastic! Madison is such a joy to us. She smiles and coos and is just a very happy baby. She loves to watch Hailey play, she loves to sit in her swing, she loves to be sung to and she is my cuddle bug. Although the adjustment to having two so close together has had its share of struggles we have all found our niche and are enjoying life as a family of four! What a blessing our girls are to us!

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