In effort to make life easier once Madison arrives, I have been working really hard on getting Hailey to self-feed. She has been eating Cheerios and Gerber Puffs for quite a while on her own, but I hadn't really started to let her try other foods during meals. She is getting to be pretty good at it and has enjoyed trying new foods. I was a little worried that she would be a picky eater, but I was quickly convinced that would not be the case for now anyways. The only thing that she really doesn't like to eat on her own right now are fruits, but we will keep working at it and I am sure that she will take to them eventually. I made spaghetti and meatballs last night for dinner and decided to see how she liked it. Not too hard to figure out from the pictures that she enjoyed both the spaghetti and the meatballs. I am not quite sure why it seems that every kid must rub their eyes with hands covered in sauce. I am just going to assume that it is for the great photo opp that is created!! Needless to say, she went from the highchair to the bathtub last night!!
Enjoying the spaghetti and meatballs!
Just got done rubbing her eye with a sauce filled hand.
Great time for a photo!
Not quite sure why pictures are being taken during dinner.
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