Talking to the Toys

Hailey has started to interact more with her toys and likes to "talk" to them. I was able to get a few good videos of her talking and giggling. You may want to turn down your volume a little because some of her screams are a little ear piercing! Enjoy!

Lamb Chop is a puppet that Hailey has. I was trying my best to be a puppeteer and videotape her at the same time.

This is Hailey with her baby. I think that I have a little work to do with Hailey and her "baby handling" before the next one arrives! Yes, the video is ended abruptly because of a little spit-up. Gross I know, but part of our life. Although, I do have to say that the spitting-up is getting less and less each day, but not quite to the point that we can get rid of the bibs.

Playing with Lamb Chop again. This is a good giggle video! I have to say that the sound of a baby giggling has always been one of my favorite sounds.

Hands and Knees...

This afternoon I went to get Hailey from her crib and she was up on her hands and knees! I brought her downstairs and caught it on video.


I don't mean to over load on the videos, there are a few that follow. I know that the Grandparents will enjoy them. All of these videos I took of Hailey just after she got up and ate. I think that it was about 7:30 and she was ready to start the day! I am getting just a glimpse of the busy body she is becoming.

Hailey likes to hide underneath the ottoman to the chair. It is so funny to watch her get under there and play. A lot of the time she gets her whole body under there, but this video she just has her head under it. I see many days of playing in forts ahead!

It never fails that as soon as I get the video camera out she stops babbling. I was able to catch a little of her babble this time!

Hailey really wants to crawl but isn't quite strong enough yet, although she is getting stronger each day and I am sure it won't be long. This is her "swimming on the wood floors".

She was on a "roll" and thought that some may like to take an adventure with her!

Happy 7 Month Birthday!

It is so hard to believe that it has already been 7 months. It seems just like yesterday that Hailey arrived. It has been so amazing to watch her grow and develop into her own little person. I now understand why everyone says to enjoy it now, because the time flies by!

Rosy Cheeks

Hailey has rosy cheeks when she gets up from her naps. A sign of being well rested and ready to go!


Playing peek-a-boo!

Botanical Gardens

I took Hailey to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. We had a great time looking at all the flowers!

Sitting Up

Hailey is sitting up really well now and she loves to be outside.

I really want to crawl!!

Hailey does great at getting around. She isn't quite able to hold herself up on her hands and knees, but she is pretty persistant and really wants to crawl. For now rolling gets her to where she wants to go!


We decided to use this webhost for our family updates, pictures and videos. We hope that you enjoy all that we have to share! Lots of love!