A Few New Pictures

I have not been keeping up very well with posting new pictures for all to see.  It just seems that when I have a free moment something needs to be done!!  (Imagine that.)  Enjoy these pictures for now and I will be putting up 11 month old pictures and Christmas pictures soon.  Also, I will update with any news about Madison.  At this point I am still pregnant and ready to meet her!! 

Being a "ham" for the camera.

Smiling cute!

Hanging out with Daddy

Hailey in a box, Madi in Mommy's tummy.

Just a few new pictures that we took of Hailey playing in a box.  It never fails that kids seem to like the boxes that the toys come in more than the the actual toy!  Although, I do have to say that Hailey loves the activity cube that came in this box.  Thanks Aunt Cin and Tori for the early Christmas present!  

Also, an update on Madison.  I am just over 34 weeks and my doctor's goal was for me to at least make it to 35 weeks, which is this Friday the 12th.  I am feeling great.  I can tell that Madison is growing and her kicks are getting stronger and more uncomfortable!  We are anxiously awaiting her arrival.  My parents will be out here over Christmas and New Year's and I would love for my Mom to be able to be here when she makes her entrance.  We will see if she cooperates.  


Do you see me in here?

Waving "hi," or maybe she is telling us "no more pictures please!"

Update on Baby Madison

Many of you have probably heard that I was hospitalized on Friday for pre-term labor at 32 weeks.  I had an OB appointment Friday morning.  I had been feeling increased pressure over the previous week and just had a "feeling" that something was happening.  At my appointment I was checked and my OB discovered that I was dilated to 2 cm.  I was sent over to Labor and Delivery slightly panicked, more because I was worried about Hailey and getting her settled.  I knew at that point that I would be admitted for at least 48 hours.  I talked to Cinder (who is in Charlotte, NC about 5 hours away) and she said that her and Tori would pack their bags and be on their way.  Until then, my wonderful friend Amy had Hailey with her and was making sure that she was taken care of until either Dave or Cinder could pick her up.  (Thank you Amy, I owe you!!) 

Once I was admitted they started me on Nefedipine which is a medication that is used to stop contractions.  I wasn't really having any contractions at this point, but they were seeing some irritability on the monitor.  They also started me on Penicillin to prevent infection and gave me steroids to help with lung maturation for Madison.  My OB came in a couple of hours later to recheck me and I had dilated a little more, but still wasn't having any regular contractions.  At this point it really was just a waiting game and we were hoping that I would stop dilating and that Madison would stay put.  I did start to have regular contractions about every minute to minute and a half, my contractions were starting to increase in intensity and I was a little worried that Madison would make her entrance.  Dave was at home with Hailey and as you can all imagine a total basket case, because he really wanted to be with me, yet I felt that he needed to stay with Hailey.  I promised him that if I continued to progress that I would make sure that he had plenty of time to make it to the hospital.  I was checked again and I had dilated to 4 cm and Madison had dropped down to a -1 station.  My contractions continued, but when they rechecked me, I hadn't made any more progress, which was great news.  At about 11:30 p.m. on Friday night, the contractions slowed down and became pretty irregular, which was a sign that the medications has kicked in.  In the end, I was discharged from the hospital on Sunday afternoon.  

I am very glad to be home.  I am taking it easy, because we are not out of the woods yet.  Madison, obviously has a mind of her own and will make her entrance when she is ready.  If I do start contracting again, they will not stop the contractions.  The medication that they give is a one time deal.  We are hoping that I can make it to at least 35 weeks if not 36 weeks, which is mid-December.  From the ultrasound that was done on Friday they are thinking that Madison is about 4 lbs 6 ounces.  She looked great on the ultrasound, but of course would be better off staying where she is for now.  

Brett, Cinder and Tori are coming back up to spend Thanksgiving with us tomorrow and will stay through the weekend.  Cinder will be a huge help, not only with Hailey, but also in helping me get some things ready for Madison.  We are so lucky that they are close and so flexible to be able to help the way that they have.  I also have a great support system out here and a few of my girlfriends are now "on-call" in case something happens.  We appreciate all of your support and prayers and we will keep you updated with any changes.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! 

10 Months Old

Hailey turned 10 months old on the 19th.  We just can't believe how fast time flies!

Should I be an Electrician or a Surgeon?

Bundled up and ready to go!

Time for a Gate

We knew that it was inevitable, eventually Hailey would figure out the stairs.  She has gone over to them many times, but with the floors being wood, it has been too slick for her to pull herself up.  This morning she conquered the slick floors and managed to pull herself up.  I guess that it is time to invest in some gates!

Spaghetti Time

In effort to make life easier once Madison arrives, I have been working really hard on getting Hailey to self-feed.  She has been eating Cheerios and Gerber Puffs for quite a while on her own, but I hadn't really started to let her try other foods during meals.  She is getting to be pretty good at it and has enjoyed trying new foods.  I was a little worried that she would be a picky eater, but I was quickly convinced that would not be the case for now anyways.  The only thing that she really doesn't like to eat on her own right now are fruits, but we will keep working at it and I am sure that she will take to them eventually.  I made spaghetti and meatballs last night for dinner and decided to see how she liked it.  Not too hard to figure out from the pictures that she enjoyed both the spaghetti and the meatballs.  I am not quite sure why it seems that every kid must rub their eyes with hands covered in sauce. I am just going to assume that it is for the great photo opp that is created!!  Needless to say, she went from the highchair to the bathtub last night!!

Enjoying the spaghetti and meatballs!

Just got done rubbing her eye with a sauce filled hand. 
Great time for a photo!

Not quite sure why pictures are being taken during dinner.

Dancing Queen

Hailey likes to dance!  We can't help but laugh when she does it!

Hailey's First Halloween

The hospital does trick-or-treating for Halloween, so Dave Hailey and I joined some good friends of ours with their little boy to do some trick-or-treating.  We had a great time.  Hailey actually left her flower headpiece on the entire time.  I am pretty sure she was enjoying the smiles that she got from others.  As you can see her cheeks were very well accentuated from the headpiece!  

Hailey as a flower!

Hailey and Mommy

Hailey and Daddy

Hailey and Jacques
Jacques is almost 2 months old and Amy and Justin's son.
We thought that it was cute that they were a flower and a bee,  
I don't think that Hailey thought that it was so cute!

Hailey with Dr. Kristi Wood.  
Kristi is my OB and brought Hailey into this world!

Hailey's First Pumpkin

Hailey helped Daddy get her pumpkin ready for Halloween tonight.  It took her just a bit to warm up to the idea of actually "helping" get the seeds out of the pumpkin.  At first she wanted nothing to do with it, but as she watched Dave dig out seeds, she became more interested.  The video shows her tentatively reaching in the pumpkin a few times!  (Just a note about Hailey tonight.  She was running a temperature between 102 and 103, but you would never know it by watching the video and seeing the pictures.)  She really never ceases to amaze us, she is truly a wonderful baby, she has been a little fussy which is to be expected, obviously her body is trying to fight something off.

We didn't "carve" her pumpkin.  
Gra sent out a kit to decorate her pumpkin as a cat!

Being cute with her pumpkin cat.

Just a good smile picture.  
Her "fangs" are still pretty prominent, 
although both of her front teeth have cut through.

Hunt Club Farm and The Pumpkin Patch

On Sunday we took Hailey to Hunt Club Farm in Virginia Beach.  They have a Fall Festival and Pumpkin Patch each year.  We met some friends of ours there with their two kids, Cassia and Caden (they are in one of the pictures with Hailey).  We had a great time.  Hailey sat in a huge pile of hay, you can see from some of the pictures she wasn't quite sure what she should do.  It was funny to watch her, because she just sat in one spot and played with the hay around her, never moving from where we put her.  I can't say that I really blame her, it can't be that comfortable crawling around in hay!  We also picked out her first pumpkin.  Watch for pictures of her first Halloween costume!


Hailey has enough hair for a bow!!  The bow is pretty little and the clip is just the perfect size.  We have been waiting a long time to put a bow in her hair.  It is amazing how many people look at her and ask "how old is HE?", even when she is dressed in pink flowers, with the bow, there is no mistake.  She has received quite a few comments when I put it in, most people are curious how I actually got it to stay!!  We think that it's pretty cute.

Her hair will even stay sticking up after we take the bow out!!


Dave, Hailey and I took a long weekend and spent it in Chicago with friends.  We hadn't seen anybody since we left.  It was great to see people from both school and work.  It was a needed vacation that we throughly enjoyed.  Hailey did great on all 4 flights (we had connections each way).  She was a trooper the entire weekend.  She loved being outside while we walked around.  The buildings and lights kept her mesmerized at night.  Thanks to Jim and Kari for putting up with the 3 of us and everything that comes with a 9 month old.  We shared a hotel room with them in the city and introduced them to life with a kiddo.  We had a great time!  Enjoy the pictures.

Gymboree Class

After a morning of removing Hailey multiple times from things that she shouldn't play with, I decided that it was time to get her involved in something outside of the house for both her and my own benefit.  We joined Gymboree Play and Music.  She has class twice a week for 45 minutes each day.  One day we have a music class, which introduces her to different types of music, rhythm, and instruments and we also have a gym class where she can play and explore.  She loves the classes.  It is a great opportunity for her to socialize with other kids her age, while I get the chance to have some adult conversation!  Below are a few pictures from this week's class. Dave has been fortunate enough to have had some afternoons off and was able to partake in class with her.  Grammy and Pop-Pop (Dave's parents) were also in town and got to see her in action.